Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh. Em. Gosh.

Hi y'all. Remember me?

I had such good intentions when I started this blog. I was going to post everyday, every other day, at least twice per week! Now here I am, 3 months since my last post and that one barely even counted as a full post. More like a half post. Or maybe even a quarter! In that one I even promised that I would be back soon to post the makeover story of my favorite new piece of furniture...and then *POOF* I fell off the face of blog-earth!

Not to worry my friends! I am back. I won't make promises about how often I'll post, but I promise to do a better job of keeping everyone updated on the goings on in the Johnson house!

For today, lets get on the same page and have a re-cap of the last few months.

Just last week Paul finished up training for work that we called "Grocery College". He made three seperate one week trips to Chanhassan (I'm sure I butchered that spelling), MN to attend classes put on by SuperValu. It was his first time really traveling for work (NO, I don't count the trip to Dallas for the Cowboys v Packers game as a work trip!) and I think he realized that its not quite the relaxing days away from home that he's envisioned it was for me all these years! Next week he is headed out again for a few days, only this time going south for a convention.

Wow. Where do I begin? I think when I left off I just been laid off from NationJob. Through November and December I worked a little as a contractor for them, picked up hours/classes at the gym, and enjoyed some time home with my kids. January 1st I started an exciting new chapter in my professional career. I am now the Iowa & Nebraska Representative for MED Alliance Group out of Chicago selling medical devices. I won't bore you with all of the details except to say that I took over the territory from Jackie (step-mom) and the way that everything fell into place, I knew I was meant to do this. It is a little scary in that it is a whole new industry for me, but with her guidance I am learning so much and enjoying every minute of it. One of the perks is that I work from home so, even though the job itself is more demanding and will require more travel time, the net gain is more time at home with my family! I am still teaching classes at Farrells, and enjoy every minute of those!

100 days into her 1st grade year and she is excelling at math and reading. We are SO proud of her. Like her mom she is a social butterfly and often has to be reminded to sit quietly, but overall she is a very good student. Of course dance is in full swing and the competition season starts in about 2 weeks. She has worked very hard on her solo and group dances and is looking forward to performing them on stage!

Drum roll please.................Brock. Is. Potty Trained!!!!!!!!!! In early January I took him to Target and said "pick your potty!". He picked the cheapest frog potty there was and that night he started going on it and hasn't looked back! I swear I felt like this day would never come, but now it has and its so nice to not be changing diapers anymore! Hopefully soon we'll actually be able to move the potty from the kitchen into the bathroom...but that's a whole'nother blog! He is also back at daycare full time and just got moved up to the pre-school room this week! He is learning so much! Its hard to believe he will be 4 already this summer!

That's about it for updates! We really enjoyed the holidays and are so excited about what 2011 is going to bring for our family!