Sunday, October 31, 2010

Big changes

I am overcome with the strangest feeling this afternoon because, beginning tomorrow there are some big changes happening in the Johnson house and I'm not quite sure how I feel about them.

Effective tomorrow, I am officially unemployed.

I don't want to go into all of the details of the last 6 months, but lets just say that it really comes as no surprise. As a matter of fact, I sort of recommended it. Weird, right? I'm confident that everything will work out exactly as it should, but after having a full time job since I was 18 years old, the fact that I don't have to get up and go to work tomorrow morning, and its not a vacation day, or a holiday, is strange! To add to the surreal feeling, Paul is out of town this week. This is a complete 180 from the norm for us. Usually I am the one traveling for work. This time it was me packing up my hubby and kissing him on the way out the door! It seems odd, but I'm actually looking forward to a week with just me and the kiddos!

This week Brock will still go to day care full time, which gives me a few days to get some things done around the house and ready to have a home office. I will be doing contract marketing work here and there...and Paul's current set-up is anything but creativity inspiring! The week after that I'll officially be a stay at home/work from home mommy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bobbies & the Big Cheese

Since I blogged about my stress over getting rid of Brock's "bobbies" (wow, one little typo could make this post a whole lot more entertaining!) I thought I would update everyone on the progress!

Last Saturday night the Bobby Fairy came to our house. I wish I had taken pictures, but then, our camera stinks so they probably wouldn't have turned out anyway! Just before bedtime, we took his 2 bobbies and tied them with some string and hung them from his bedroom door. He understood that the fairy was coming, but still kept asking for them! After a few short minutes, and surprisingly no tears, he gave in and settled to sleep!

The next morning he came in and woke me up showing me the Spiderman figure the Bobby Fairy left him! He was excited about it at first, but like most other toys, after 10 minutes he was over it (I'm so glad the Bobby fairy was smart enough to get the $5 Spiderman instead of the $20 one that her guilt tried to get her to buy!).

It has surprised me how well he has done! He does ask for them every night, and we remind him that the bobby fairy took them and gave them to other babies that need them. He usually responds with something like "and gave me Spiderman" or "because I'm a big boy" makes my heart melt!

I'm wondering if the same thing might work with Maycen. Is there such thing as the Thumb Sucking Fairy? Hmmm....might have to think on that some more!

In other news...we have a celebrity in our house this week!

Yesterday Maycen was selected as "The Big Cheese" for her class. It is an award that is given to a child who made good choices, did their homework and all around had a good week the previous one. After struggling a little with talking when she shouldn't be no idea where she gets THAT Maycen worked really hard last week to listen to her teacher and not have to bring any 'oops' slips home. It was nice to see her rewarded for her good behavior! She does understand that each student only gets to be the Big Cheese once, and there is a lot of school year left...hopefully the good behavior continues!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Meal Planning Monday

Wow, what a weekend! Or more appropriately, what a football game! I can't lie, I'm still basking in the glory of victory. As a Cyclone fan these sorts of wins have been few and far between. To enjoy them in consecutive seasons, well, it really feels like the program is finally moving in the right direction!

Of course, there were another 46 hours and 10 minutes this weekend that did not involve Iowa State beating Texas! That time was spent relaxing, cleaning, playing outside and grocery shopping. My kind of laid back weekend. Good thing too, because the one coming up will be a doozy, packed full of fun events! More on that later in the week!

On this week's menu:
Monday: Left-over chili. We might throw it over some hot dogs or baked potatoes - haven't decided for sure yet.

Tuesday: I'm headed to a reunion dinner with my friends that I graduated with last year, so daddy is on his own. I'm guessing he's headed to Grandma & Grandpa's...or maybe they are coming to our house!

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner! French toast this week!

Thursday: Cheese-Stuffed Meatloaf. I have been dieing (dying? diing?) to try this recipe from my friend Ananda at The Home Diva. Its finally going to be cold enough!

Friday: Paul & I are going to a friend's annual Halloween party Friday night, so the kiddos will either be at a grandparents house or with a sitter!

Saturday: Papa Murphy's Jack-O-Lantern pizza that I will grab on my way back into town from Ames (Go STATE!) and we will pop in the oven after Trick or Treating! I've never had Papa Murphy's before, but here its good!

Sunday: Paul will be leaving us for a week on Sunday afternoon, so it will be just the kiddos and I. Not sure yet what we'll do. I don't think I can get away with breakfast for dinner every night for a week!

Make it a great Monday friends! After today the weather is going to be drastically cooler and fall is definitely in the air!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

You're Welcome!

For the second Saturday in a row, the kids and I made Cinnamon Bun Pancakes for breakfast. Seriously people. Cinnamon. Bun. Pancakes. FROM SCRATCH! The only thing I started with in my bowl was flour. No Bisquick, nothing from the freezer...just flour! And, much like last weekend, the kids devoured them! Brock ate 2!!! That might not seem like a big deal to most people, but this is a kid who typically takes one bite of a meal and says "I'm donnnnne" so to see him eat, no inhale, two pancakes is unheard of!

So this morning, as I stood at my electric skillet (they are THE BEST for making pancakes), I wondered to myself "should I share this recipe with the hundreds dozens five people that read my blog"? My first thought was, of course I should! They're my peeps! I love them and want them to enjoy this cinnamonny, mapley goodness. But then the little devil on the other shoulder said "but you know how you like to have a few things in your arsenal cute little recipe box that are your secret recipes that you impress and dazzle with everytime  you make them." This went on for hours! Okay, I'm being dramatic. It lasted about 45 seconds until it occurred to me its unlikely any of the hundreds dozens five of you will ever actually be at my house for breakfast. Oh yeah, I also got it from another blog so technically I can't claim it as my own miraculous creation anyway!

So, without further delay, I present to you Cinnamon Bun Pancakes! And the best part...since I did find it on one of my favorite blogs How Does She? I can simply provide all of you with a handy little linky. How cool is that? I don't even have to retype the recipe! I love finding recipes on blogs that I can share with my peeps but can just link to and don't have to retype or rewrite, I'm always afraid I'll mistype one little measurement and the whole thing will be off and you'll think "ewww, why does she think this was so great" and...what's that? Oh right. I promised no further delay! Cinnamon Bun Pancakes & Maple Icing Syrup! You're welcome! (Trust me, you WILL thank me)!

Happy Saturday everyone! Go STATE!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guess I'll have to make world peace next week.

Well, this week has certainly not gone as planned!

After a wonderfully low-key weekend (that I'd love to tell you about, but just don't have the energy) I had BIG plans for this week. Those plans included:

* Making Halloween costumes for myself, Paul & Maycen (She wants to be a ghost princess. I think I can handle that)
* Really getting going on my dresser, soon to be a buffet for my kitchen, DIY project.
* Cleaning closets and putting away summer clothes for the winter.
* Hitting Goodwill/Salvation Army/garage sales looking for a specific item needed for my next DIY project.
* Picking new paint color options for Maycen's bedroom.
* Take pictures of my finished and beautifully repainted kitchen table, chairs & bar stools to share with the hundreds dozens five of you that read my blog.
* Yummy dinners every night.
* Getting organized at home.
* Getting engaged at work (in my work, not to a person!).
* Fixing the economy.
* Facilitate world peace.

Okay...maybe not those last few...but I did have a lot that I wanted to do this week.

Unfortunately my body had different plans. Monday morning during kickboxing class I hurt my neck.

Thanks to Dr. Mike my witch doctor chiropractor, I've known for a few months that I have a bad neck. He told me that we would start working on it soon but needed to strengthen my lower back first. Bad neck beat us to the punch! I really thought that if I was going to be hurt this bad I would have some great story about doing back flips or cliff diving or being shot out of a cannon. Nope, I simply turned my head. That's right. I looked to my left, looked straight and POP. I have never been in so. much. pain. (Yes, including labor, though I had an epidural...but it wore does that even count as having one?) I gave in Monday night and had my mommy take me Urgent Care (I couldn't drive and Paul was putting the kids to bed)...she even went into the room with me! Nothing is obviously broken or otherwise out of place. He gave me the good stuff and sent me on my way with instructions to follow up with my regular doc if it wasn't better in a few days. So, for the last 3 days I've done nothing but lay in the recliner and visit the witch doctor chiropractor. I am getting better, but certainly won't be teaching any kickboxing classes (or doing back flips or cliff diving or being shot out of a cannon) in the next few days.

I'm hoping to be off the good stuff today and be able to really assess where I'm at and how I'm feeling without being in a drug induced stupor! In the meantime Paul has been dad & husband of the year, making dinner every night (I'm SO tired of chicken noodle soup!), getting kids ready for bed and school and bringing me ice packs on command request. My mom was also a huge help and took Brocky to daycare for me Tuesday morning. Of course, he thinks that should happen every day since they stopped and got donuts on the way!

Have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meal Planning Monday...on a Tuesday!

Well, yesterday certainly got away from me! I was home with Maycen. Is it just me or do "kids these days" seem like they have the day off from school a TON! Unfortunately Mayce was fighting a tummy ache and, despite trying desperately to play outside with some friends, ended up in bed for much of the afternoon and evening. She woke up this morning and very convincingly told me that her tummy was "feeling better...and I'm not just saying that because its music day"...I'm crossing my fingers I don't get a call from the school nurse!

We had a fantastic weekend that I'll tell you all about tomorrow!

Monday: I tried a new recipe. It wasn't good. I won't even bother telling you about it!

Tuesday: I don't know. Really. I haven't even thought about it until this moment. Any suggestions?

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner! This is becoming a little tradition and the kids love it. Most weeks Paul is working so its just me and the munchkins but Paul has tomorrow night off so he'll get to take part! I'm thinking chocolate chip pancakes this week!

Thursday: Steaks on the grill, pasta salad, asparagus! I am getting a little tired of the grill, but I know before too long I'll be wishing we could get to it through all of the I'm taking advantage of it!

Friday: Free for all since I teach kickboxing at 6:30

Saturday: Beefburgers (ground beef & chicken gumbo) & french fries

Sunday: Spaghetti

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, October 8, 2010

From Pier 1 to Pottery Barn

So, I've been stalking Blogland. I can't lie. I spend too many hours a week reading the blogs of very talented frugal decorators. And...I've been inspired.

I don't know if our home has a "style". I asked my mom this morning what she thought it was. Her response was "temporary". You mean contemporary? "No, temporary...because you change it so much!" Obviously I get my sense of humor from her...haha. What-ev!

Anywhoo...between the blog-stalking, a trip into Pottery Barn (I only rubbed the Fisherman's Knit blanket on my face for a second...I SWEAR), and the PB catalog that I perused this morning at the witch doctor chiropractor, I have decided that I want to makeover my house. Right now it is very Pier 1. There is nothing wrong with Pier 1. I love Pier 1 as evidenced by the fact that several of them know my name when I walk in! But I'm ready for the warm, rustic, sort of country, sort of modern feel of Pottery Barn.

The problem is my budget, or lack thereof.

So....what's a girl to do? Live with her temporary style, or take on a house full of frugal DIY projects? Why, the latter of course!

So, here is my list of to-dos. I'd like to have everything done by Christmas Easter:
* Paint table, chairs & barstools black. Check! Well, sort of. I need to finish the barstools, so we'll call it a chec without the 'k' for now!
* Paint/repurpose Salvation Army dresser ($20 SCORE) into buffet for kitchen. I'm SO excited about this project!
* Paint bedroom furniture. Paul is actually on board (well, he said "I can't stop you, can I?" so I'm counting that as an all-in). I'm thinking a mocha color!
* Paint bedroom walls.
* Find cheap coffee table to turn into ottoman for living room. I actually think I saw one at Salvation Army...hoping its still there!
* Paint living room sofa table, end table & shelves a cream/off white color??? I'm not for sure on this one. I love the blue we recently painted the living room, and I don't think I want to change it, but I'd like to lighten up the room. We'll see.
* Paint the basement and give it an overall "warmer" feel. Right now it is a poor excuse for a sports theme...I think I'll stick with the theme but try to take it a little further!

Along the way I will watch CL, Goodwill, Salvation Army, garage sales, etc for chotchkies (chatchkies?) I can pick up to add to the feel. I'm really excited to take this on and can't wait to see how it all comes together!

Have a great weekend! Go State! I predict the Cyclones surprise Utah and win by 10! That's right, you heard it hear first folks!

Of course, I'll edit this post first thing Sunday morning if they lose!

[Totally unrelated]PS.: Have you heard Carrie Underwood's new song "Mamas Song" (I think that's what its called). Its on right now. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this song. It makes me think of my hubby and smile every time. He is good!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pitter patter of little feet

NO. I am NOT pregnant. Don't freak out (talking to you mom!).

No, the little feet doing the pittering pattering is Brock. Before dawn. This morning. And yesterday. And Monday...

Most people who know me know that I get up every day most days at around 3:45 to workout. I'm usually home by around 5:30ish. One of the reasons that I do this, even on days when it isn't necessary for our schedule, is because I really, really, really enjoy my morning quiet time. Sometimes I doze off in the chair or go soak in a hot bath, but most mornings I just sit under a blanket with the fireplace on (and the window open, because it makes sense), cup of coffee in hand and catch up on my DVRed shows. Its quiet. Its peaceful. Its my time.

So, why am I telling you this?

About 3 months ago we changed Brock's crib to a toddler bed. We worried that he wouldn't stay put, or would be up and running around the house all hours of the night. So, we were pleasantly surprised to find that, not only did he still go to bed (and stay there) like a dream, but in the mornings it was like it never occurred to him that he could get out of his bed/room on his own. When he woke up he would call for me to come and get him. I always assumed that he probably woke up really early and maybe even called for me to come get him, but when he got no response and realized the rest of the house was still quiet, he would doze back off until 7:00 or so.

I was right.

Last week he realized that, not only could he get out of his own bed in the morning, he could open his door, leave his room, wake the entire house up...all before 6:30am! For the last few mornings I've heard from him sometime between 6:15 and 6:45. Not too bad really, especially since its weekdays and we need to leave by 7 anyhow. But this I was tip-toeing around the kitchen, brewing coffee and poaching my eggs....I heard the very recognizable 'thud' of him jumping out of his bed. Then the doorknob turned. I heard his little feet run into our bedroom where he obviously found my side of the bed empty. I listened as he sputtered down the hallway, making a brief pause at his sister's door. Finding Sissy still sleeping, he continued on to the stairs and down he came. He came running into the kitchen, clearly very proud of himself!

"Mommy, why is it dark outside"

"Because its very early Buddy, you should probably still be in bed, you are going to be very tired later."

"But mommy.....I want to cuddle you...."

As we settled into the chair, under a blanket, fireplace on, coffee in hand (for me, not Brock!) all I could think was...I will give up my morning quiet time every. single. day. if this is what I trade it for!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up & Meal Planning Monday

Every Sunday evening since I started writing this, my intentions have been to log on and write a weekend wrap-up. Instead, I have put the kiddos to bed, put on my comfy pants, turned on the fireplace....and fallen asleep at about 8:45! Last night was no exception, so another combo blog will have to do!

Happy Birthday Paul!
Thursday was Paul's 38th birthday! I know. I don't think I'm old enough to be married to someone who is almost 40 either! He enjoyed the day at a golf outing for work, and that night his mom and dad treated us to Old Chicago pizza!

Paul and I both had the day off so we got Mayc off to school and Brocky to daycare for the day. We went shopping and had lunch together. It was a nice day and I enjoyed the alone time with my hubby...especially since it wasn't spent painting or cleaning! [Side note: if you have any old gold you want to sell/get rid of, go see The Gold Guys at Jordan Creek Mall. I took a few things in, thought I might get $40/$50 (based on previous experience)...I was wrong. $278 later I walked out of the mall with more money than I entered with. That NEVER happens! If you go see them, let them know I sent you!]

Paul had the day off and, bless his heart, he got to spend the entire day with the kids practically by himself! I had about 3 hours worth of kickboxing training in the morning and came home just long enough to shower and get ready to head up to Ames for the Cyclones game. I think they had a good day...Grandma & Grandpa Johnson came over for the night to help/make dinner! I had a GREAT time at the football game, and the 52-38 victory didn't game I've seen at Jack Trice since the 2005 Iowa game!

Brock and I headed down to Rathbun for Grandma's 84th birthday party! It was a beautiful day for a drive and Brocky had a great time playing with his cousins and Grandpa Peanut. Maycen and Paul stayed home so she could go to dance - it was a big day - they were getting their trampolines!!! Brock and I got home around 5:45 and after a quick dinner of mac n cheese, both kids were in bed by 7:30. As previously mentioned, I was asleep shortly after!

It was a wonderful weekend with glorious weather! Its always nice to have Paul home for the weekends, even if we don't really spend them together!

Meal Planning Monday!

Monday: Lasagna Soup w/ garlic bread (YUMMO!)

Tuesday: Grilled sausage or bratwurst w/ bacon, cabbage & noodles.
I have no idea what this is called. My mother in law made it several years ago and I LOVED it! It is one of those things that I've thought about making a hundred times, but always forgot to ask her for the recipe..until the other night.

Wednesday: Left-overs from Tuesday!

Thursday: Bierocks (using left over cabbage from Tuesday!)

Friday: Tomato Soup, grilled cheese.

Saturday: Daddy is on his own again as I'll be headed to Ames. For the record, I DO invite him to come to games with me...he opts out!

Sunday: Homemade chicken & noodles (since we didn't have it this week!)

It is going to be another picture perfect week! Make it a great one!

Oooohhhh....the "Bobbie Fairy" will probably be visiting tonight to take away the paci. Wish us luck!