Sunday, September 19, 2010

No more monkeys jumping on the bed!

Maycen is dramatic. Maycen is overly dramatic. Maycen is a drama queen of the highest order.

Its one of the things I adore about her, but have absolutely no idea how to deal with. At her age I was outside playing "kill the pill" with the boys, not princesses and dress-up. Every time I hear one of those commercials about talent scouts from (fill in the blank) modeling and talent agency being at Valley West Mall, I consider, for a millisecond, taking her. But, I digress.

Due to her ummmmmm, expressive nature, when something happens that she doesn't like or she gets hurt, or a list of the million other things that make little girls upset, she doesn't so much cry as squeal. And I mean SQUEAL. Loudly. Some days I ignore it. Some days I tell her she needs to get control over her emotions. Some days it makes me crazy!

Yesterday morning as I was downstairs enjoying coffee and the morning news, the kids were upstairs playing. Now, all moms know how this goes. It was quiet at first and I was patting myself on the back for how well my kids were playing together. Every few minutes I would mute the TV just to enjoy listening to them playing so nicely. A little louder. Oh, they'll settle down. A little louder. Hmmmm, sounds like they might be jumping on our bed. "KIDS, don't jump on the bed"....they aren't fighting, they are still playing nicely. They'll settle down. Holy Cow! Did they just drop a bomb up there?

And....cue the squealing.

I go racing upstairs and into the bedroom to find all of the pillows (there are 9 total, I like pillows) on the floor laid out a little like a mattress. I see Maycen laying in the middle of them in the fetal position, and Brock, up on the bed ready to spring. Again.

As soon as she saw me the squealing multiplied by a bazillion (yes, its a real number) and she started rattling off "I WAS JUST LAYING HERE WATCHING TV AND BROCKY JUMPED OFF THE BED AND LANDED RIGHT ON MY STOMACH AND I THINK HE BROOOOOOOOKE IIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT" You think he broke what? "MY STOOOOOOMMMMMMAAAAAAAACCCCHHHHHHHH".

You know that mothers instinct that lets us know when our children are really hurt, it wasn't kicking in. I could clearly see that she was okay, which made this scene all the funnier when it played out in my head. It went a little something like this.

Maycen jumping off the bed, diving board style, landing on the pillows. TV catches her attention for a millisecond and she forgets to get back in line to take her next turn. In the meantime, Brock is coiled and ready to spring. He probably isn't as graceful as Maycen. I'm thinking a little more like a WWE wrestler launching himself off the top ropes. Maycen is in the exact wrong spot and a collision happens.

She looked at me, waiting, hoping, knowing that Brock was in SO. MUCH. TROUBLE.

Imagine her surprise when I looked at both of them and said "no jumping on the bed" and walked out.

Sometimes I just need my cup of coffee!

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