Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bye Bye "Bobbies"

I'm about to share a secret that happens every night in our home. With the exception of a few people, nobody knows about this secret, but I feel like the only way we can fix this is if we talk about it. You can't fix what  you don't acknowledge (said in my best Dr. Phil voice) right?

Brock is a pacifier man.

There. I said it. My 3 year old son still uses a pacifier every night.

I know. I know. This is bad. We need to stop him. We need to break this habit. He CAN'T GO ON LIKE THIS. We tried doing it slowly. For about a year he has only used his "bobby" (as he calls it) at night. We kept saying "One of these days we'll get rid of it. One of these days, we'll just 'lose' it". But sadly, we continue to enable him. And in the last few weeks its gotten worse. Now he asks for it in the morning. He asks for it when he gets home from daycare. He has actually stacked chairs on top of toys on top of pillows to climb and get it off of his dresser while playing in his room. He is out. of. control.

This morning I told him that "bobby" was going to have to go bye-bye. He asked me in his cute little 3 year old boice (that would be a 'boy voice' started as a typo, but I kind of like it) "but wwwwwwhyyyyyy mommy". I thought quick "because the baby bunnies out back need them". He very quickly and clearly told me that they did NOT need HIS bobby..."they...can get...their own"!!!! Apparently we also need to work on sharing.

Since Maycen is a thumb-sucker I don't know how to do this. Obviously I can't cut her thumb off (right? right.) so we are just constantly trying to remind her, but I don't think that is going to work with Brock. Is it best to go cold turkey? Do we have a intervention bye-bye bobby party?  Cut them down until there is nothing left? I need help people!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I had some good advice...because then I'd take it too! :)

    With Addi we just kind of went cold turkey and she was fine. Pretty typical of her personality, though.

    Elijah is a finger sucker and I have no idea where to start with that!

    AND Camden...she's still got the paci and I don't forsee that she'll be giving it up soon.

    I'd love a follow-up post when the "deed is done" so I know how to do it!

    Good luck!
