Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sticks & Stones

Remember that saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". Who the heck came up with that and what were they thinking?

As a mother, I try very hard not to shield my kids, especially Maycen (being older, and a girl) from everything. When someone is mean to her at school, or her BFF doesn't want to play with her, I try to use it as on opportunity to teach her that things don't always go as we want, not everyone will be nice all of the time and the only thing we can control is our actions and reactions. That's why I'm a bit surprised with my fierce reaction to something that recently happened with Maycen. I can't stop thinking about it...so maybe writing it down typing it out, will help.

Last Friday was picture day at school. As we straightened Maycen's hair (she has her mama's waves...and they aren't the pretty flowing kind!) she practiced her "picture smile" in the mirror. I was telling her how beautiful I thought she was to which she quickly responded, "No I'm not". Of course this caught me off guard and I said again how pretty she is and asked her why she would ever think she anything different. Her response FLOORED me. She said
"because I have this" pointing to a mole, or really more of a large freckle, that is just above her top lip and making 'this' sound like I dirty word. You can see it in this picture from the ketchup fight.

At first I kind of giggled and said "Oh honey, that's a beauty mark...it just makes you more beautiful," but she wasn't having it. She asked me if she could have hers removed like I did with mine. After I finished explaining to her that the moles I've had removed were because they might have made me sick, I asked her again why she doesn't like it. She broke down in tears and told me that {girl who shall remain nameless} told her that it was ugly and made her ugly. BLOOD. INSTANTLY. BOILING!

After I finally calmed myself down enough to respond I told her to tell {girl who shall remain nameless} to stick it up her had a long talk with Maycen about how it is part of her, and it makes her who she is. I also told her that there are women who have been considered some of the most beautiful in the world who have had "beauty marks" in the exact same spot. That seemed to satisfy her and she wiped the tears, practiced her picture smile a few more times, and off she went! I smiled, quite proud of myself for handling our first real "mean girls" moment with poise and grace, when what I really wanted to do was call up {girl who shall remain nameless}'s mom, and tell her to have a talk with her daughter!

Ahhhh...see...I do feel better having journaled blogged about it! Have a fantastic Tuesday. I'm off to print pictures of Cindy Crawford and Marilyn Monroe...just in case!


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