Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up & Meal Planning Monday

Every Sunday evening since I started writing this, my intentions have been to log on and write a weekend wrap-up. Instead, I have put the kiddos to bed, put on my comfy pants, turned on the fireplace....and fallen asleep at about 8:45! Last night was no exception, so another combo blog will have to do!

Happy Birthday Paul!
Thursday was Paul's 38th birthday! I know. I don't think I'm old enough to be married to someone who is almost 40 either! He enjoyed the day at a golf outing for work, and that night his mom and dad treated us to Old Chicago pizza!

Paul and I both had the day off so we got Mayc off to school and Brocky to daycare for the day. We went shopping and had lunch together. It was a nice day and I enjoyed the alone time with my hubby...especially since it wasn't spent painting or cleaning! [Side note: if you have any old gold you want to sell/get rid of, go see The Gold Guys at Jordan Creek Mall. I took a few things in, thought I might get $40/$50 (based on previous experience)...I was wrong. $278 later I walked out of the mall with more money than I entered with. That NEVER happens! If you go see them, let them know I sent you!]

Paul had the day off and, bless his heart, he got to spend the entire day with the kids practically by himself! I had about 3 hours worth of kickboxing training in the morning and came home just long enough to shower and get ready to head up to Ames for the Cyclones game. I think they had a good day...Grandma & Grandpa Johnson came over for the night to help/make dinner! I had a GREAT time at the football game, and the 52-38 victory didn't game I've seen at Jack Trice since the 2005 Iowa game!

Brock and I headed down to Rathbun for Grandma's 84th birthday party! It was a beautiful day for a drive and Brocky had a great time playing with his cousins and Grandpa Peanut. Maycen and Paul stayed home so she could go to dance - it was a big day - they were getting their trampolines!!! Brock and I got home around 5:45 and after a quick dinner of mac n cheese, both kids were in bed by 7:30. As previously mentioned, I was asleep shortly after!

It was a wonderful weekend with glorious weather! Its always nice to have Paul home for the weekends, even if we don't really spend them together!

Meal Planning Monday!

Monday: Lasagna Soup w/ garlic bread (YUMMO!)

Tuesday: Grilled sausage or bratwurst w/ bacon, cabbage & noodles.
I have no idea what this is called. My mother in law made it several years ago and I LOVED it! It is one of those things that I've thought about making a hundred times, but always forgot to ask her for the recipe..until the other night.

Wednesday: Left-overs from Tuesday!

Thursday: Bierocks (using left over cabbage from Tuesday!)

Friday: Tomato Soup, grilled cheese.

Saturday: Daddy is on his own again as I'll be headed to Ames. For the record, I DO invite him to come to games with me...he opts out!

Sunday: Homemade chicken & noodles (since we didn't have it this week!)

It is going to be another picture perfect week! Make it a great one!

Oooohhhh....the "Bobbie Fairy" will probably be visiting tonight to take away the paci. Wish us luck!

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