Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pitter patter of little feet

NO. I am NOT pregnant. Don't freak out (talking to you mom!).

No, the little feet doing the pittering pattering is Brock. Before dawn. This morning. And yesterday. And Monday...

Most people who know me know that I get up every day most days at around 3:45 to workout. I'm usually home by around 5:30ish. One of the reasons that I do this, even on days when it isn't necessary for our schedule, is because I really, really, really enjoy my morning quiet time. Sometimes I doze off in the chair or go soak in a hot bath, but most mornings I just sit under a blanket with the fireplace on (and the window open, because it makes sense), cup of coffee in hand and catch up on my DVRed shows. Its quiet. Its peaceful. Its my time.

So, why am I telling you this?

About 3 months ago we changed Brock's crib to a toddler bed. We worried that he wouldn't stay put, or would be up and running around the house all hours of the night. So, we were pleasantly surprised to find that, not only did he still go to bed (and stay there) like a dream, but in the mornings it was like it never occurred to him that he could get out of his bed/room on his own. When he woke up he would call for me to come and get him. I always assumed that he probably woke up really early and maybe even called for me to come get him, but when he got no response and realized the rest of the house was still quiet, he would doze back off until 7:00 or so.

I was right.

Last week he realized that, not only could he get out of his own bed in the morning, he could open his door, leave his room, wake the entire house up...all before 6:30am! For the last few mornings I've heard from him sometime between 6:15 and 6:45. Not too bad really, especially since its weekdays and we need to leave by 7 anyhow. But this I was tip-toeing around the kitchen, brewing coffee and poaching my eggs....I heard the very recognizable 'thud' of him jumping out of his bed. Then the doorknob turned. I heard his little feet run into our bedroom where he obviously found my side of the bed empty. I listened as he sputtered down the hallway, making a brief pause at his sister's door. Finding Sissy still sleeping, he continued on to the stairs and down he came. He came running into the kitchen, clearly very proud of himself!

"Mommy, why is it dark outside"

"Because its very early Buddy, you should probably still be in bed, you are going to be very tired later."

"But mommy.....I want to cuddle you...."

As we settled into the chair, under a blanket, fireplace on, coffee in hand (for me, not Brock!) all I could think was...I will give up my morning quiet time every. single. day. if this is what I trade it for!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear there's no "announcement". Just remember what you're saying now as I'm sure the day will come when you want him back in bed.
