Friday, October 8, 2010

From Pier 1 to Pottery Barn

So, I've been stalking Blogland. I can't lie. I spend too many hours a week reading the blogs of very talented frugal decorators. And...I've been inspired.

I don't know if our home has a "style". I asked my mom this morning what she thought it was. Her response was "temporary". You mean contemporary? "No, temporary...because you change it so much!" Obviously I get my sense of humor from her...haha. What-ev!

Anywhoo...between the blog-stalking, a trip into Pottery Barn (I only rubbed the Fisherman's Knit blanket on my face for a second...I SWEAR), and the PB catalog that I perused this morning at the witch doctor chiropractor, I have decided that I want to makeover my house. Right now it is very Pier 1. There is nothing wrong with Pier 1. I love Pier 1 as evidenced by the fact that several of them know my name when I walk in! But I'm ready for the warm, rustic, sort of country, sort of modern feel of Pottery Barn.

The problem is my budget, or lack thereof.

So....what's a girl to do? Live with her temporary style, or take on a house full of frugal DIY projects? Why, the latter of course!

So, here is my list of to-dos. I'd like to have everything done by Christmas Easter:
* Paint table, chairs & barstools black. Check! Well, sort of. I need to finish the barstools, so we'll call it a chec without the 'k' for now!
* Paint/repurpose Salvation Army dresser ($20 SCORE) into buffet for kitchen. I'm SO excited about this project!
* Paint bedroom furniture. Paul is actually on board (well, he said "I can't stop you, can I?" so I'm counting that as an all-in). I'm thinking a mocha color!
* Paint bedroom walls.
* Find cheap coffee table to turn into ottoman for living room. I actually think I saw one at Salvation Army...hoping its still there!
* Paint living room sofa table, end table & shelves a cream/off white color??? I'm not for sure on this one. I love the blue we recently painted the living room, and I don't think I want to change it, but I'd like to lighten up the room. We'll see.
* Paint the basement and give it an overall "warmer" feel. Right now it is a poor excuse for a sports theme...I think I'll stick with the theme but try to take it a little further!

Along the way I will watch CL, Goodwill, Salvation Army, garage sales, etc for chotchkies (chatchkies?) I can pick up to add to the feel. I'm really excited to take this on and can't wait to see how it all comes together!

Have a great weekend! Go State! I predict the Cyclones surprise Utah and win by 10! That's right, you heard it hear first folks!

Of course, I'll edit this post first thing Sunday morning if they lose!

[Totally unrelated]PS.: Have you heard Carrie Underwood's new song "Mamas Song" (I think that's what its called). Its on right now. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this song. It makes me think of my hubby and smile every time. He is good!

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