Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bobbies & the Big Cheese

Since I blogged about my stress over getting rid of Brock's "bobbies" (wow, one little typo could make this post a whole lot more entertaining!) I thought I would update everyone on the progress!

Last Saturday night the Bobby Fairy came to our house. I wish I had taken pictures, but then, our camera stinks so they probably wouldn't have turned out anyway! Just before bedtime, we took his 2 bobbies and tied them with some string and hung them from his bedroom door. He understood that the fairy was coming, but still kept asking for them! After a few short minutes, and surprisingly no tears, he gave in and settled to sleep!

The next morning he came in and woke me up showing me the Spiderman figure the Bobby Fairy left him! He was excited about it at first, but like most other toys, after 10 minutes he was over it (I'm so glad the Bobby fairy was smart enough to get the $5 Spiderman instead of the $20 one that her guilt tried to get her to buy!).

It has surprised me how well he has done! He does ask for them every night, and we remind him that the bobby fairy took them and gave them to other babies that need them. He usually responds with something like "and gave me Spiderman" or "because I'm a big boy"...it makes my heart melt!

I'm wondering if the same thing might work with Maycen. Is there such thing as the Thumb Sucking Fairy? Hmmm....might have to think on that some more!

In other news...we have a celebrity in our house this week!

Yesterday Maycen was selected as "The Big Cheese" for her class. It is an award that is given to a child who made good choices, did their homework and all around had a good week the previous one. After struggling a little with talking when she shouldn't be no idea where she gets THAT Maycen worked really hard last week to listen to her teacher and not have to bring any 'oops' slips home. It was nice to see her rewarded for her good behavior! She does understand that each student only gets to be the Big Cheese once, and there is a lot of school year left...hopefully the good behavior continues!

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