Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guess I'll have to make world peace next week.

Well, this week has certainly not gone as planned!

After a wonderfully low-key weekend (that I'd love to tell you about, but just don't have the energy) I had BIG plans for this week. Those plans included:

* Making Halloween costumes for myself, Paul & Maycen (She wants to be a ghost princess. I think I can handle that)
* Really getting going on my dresser, soon to be a buffet for my kitchen, DIY project.
* Cleaning closets and putting away summer clothes for the winter.
* Hitting Goodwill/Salvation Army/garage sales looking for a specific item needed for my next DIY project.
* Picking new paint color options for Maycen's bedroom.
* Take pictures of my finished and beautifully repainted kitchen table, chairs & bar stools to share with the hundreds dozens five of you that read my blog.
* Yummy dinners every night.
* Getting organized at home.
* Getting engaged at work (in my work, not to a person!).
* Fixing the economy.
* Facilitate world peace.

Okay...maybe not those last few...but I did have a lot that I wanted to do this week.

Unfortunately my body had different plans. Monday morning during kickboxing class I hurt my neck.

Thanks to Dr. Mike my witch doctor chiropractor, I've known for a few months that I have a bad neck. He told me that we would start working on it soon but needed to strengthen my lower back first. Bad neck beat us to the punch! I really thought that if I was going to be hurt this bad I would have some great story about doing back flips or cliff diving or being shot out of a cannon. Nope, I simply turned my head. That's right. I looked to my left, looked straight and POP. I have never been in so. much. pain. (Yes, including labor, though I had an epidural...but it wore does that even count as having one?) I gave in Monday night and had my mommy take me Urgent Care (I couldn't drive and Paul was putting the kids to bed)...she even went into the room with me! Nothing is obviously broken or otherwise out of place. He gave me the good stuff and sent me on my way with instructions to follow up with my regular doc if it wasn't better in a few days. So, for the last 3 days I've done nothing but lay in the recliner and visit the witch doctor chiropractor. I am getting better, but certainly won't be teaching any kickboxing classes (or doing back flips or cliff diving or being shot out of a cannon) in the next few days.

I'm hoping to be off the good stuff today and be able to really assess where I'm at and how I'm feeling without being in a drug induced stupor! In the meantime Paul has been dad & husband of the year, making dinner every night (I'm SO tired of chicken noodle soup!), getting kids ready for bed and school and bringing me ice packs on command request. My mom was also a huge help and took Brocky to daycare for me Tuesday morning. Of course, he thinks that should happen every day since they stopped and got donuts on the way!

Have a great rest of the week!

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